Number6 at the FireArtsFestival

hi kids!


HypKnowTron #6 will be making a special appearance at
The Crucibles Fire Arts Festival in Oakland this week.  #6 will be on loan from its new owner for Thurs-Sat nite.  
The ChakraTron will be installed on Wed running till Sat nite and hopefully ill have net access to run the KarmaRelay.  

Come see the best audio interpretation circuit ive ever done so far, on a 4 foot monoblade with over 80 different patterns. This may be your only chance
to see #6 in action, so don’t miss it!



#5 goes to the Museum!

HypKnowTron #5 is going to the American Museum of Radio and Electricity for an extended stay.

amre logo 

Neil and Sheila have graciously lent both #5 and BC/7#6 to the AMRE for display.  From May 22 till June 6th, 2008, they will both be running on a timer from 10:30pm till 5:00am.  i’m sure they will turn them on by request?

Anyways, so if you’re up in the Seattle/Bellingham zone, go check them out!


The museum is probably worth the trip alone.
